This year’s summer activity program was a great success and was packed, full of fun-filled activities and days out!
All the young people that attended our summer activity program had a fantastic time and enjoyed all the different activities. They loved the music session and learning how to play the musical instruments, had a great time with the graffiti and tie-dyeing sessions and had a blast playing all the sports games.
Steve, our graffiti workshop provider, said that everyone was so creative with their spray painting and that he was pleased with all the marvellous works of art.
The feedback from all the young people has been brilliant, with all of them saying they cannot wait to do it again.
One of our club members created a special piece of graffiti art that is being offered up at this year’s Help Bristol’s Homeless – HOME IS WHERE THE ART IS charity auction.
The tie-dyeing sessions were also very popular with the young people. Anne-Marie, who hosted the sessions, said that everyone really enjoyed creating the weird and wonderful designs.
We also had loads of sports games and activities across all the days that included, cricket, volleyball, and football with games like beat the goalie.
Despite the hot weather, the EPIC youth workers and volunteers had a great time with the young people and reported that there are some seriously skilled young players in the village.
And finally, we had two great day trips to the Mendip Activity Centre.
On our first day out, we did air rifle shooting, and in the afternoon learnt bushcraft skills that included fire lighting, whittling and cooking yummy marshmallows. On the other, we had a morning of archery with everyone pulling off some fantastic shots. And in the afternoon, we headed into 200-year-old caves, where we all learnt about the history of the caves and the formation of the stalactites.
It’s safe to say that we all had a fantastic time on both days, with many young people asking when we will be going back again!
We want to say a huge thank you to everyone who supported our summer program this year, especially our youth service provider EPIC Youth for making it such a success. We want to also say a huge thank you to Quartet, who helped us with a grant enabling us to offer this exciting and valuable program to all the young people in our community.